Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Round Up

- Chaim Rubin posted his Jewish Music Awards picks, you can see it and discuss here.

- Sameach released the cover and sample of Six13's new album, Yesh Chadash (might be a play with the saying "Ein Kol Chadash Tachat Hashamesh").

- Amiran Dvir, who played at my wedding, released one of the songs of his upcoming album, Shvil Hachupa. It's composed by Yossi Green, lyrics by Amiran himself. I'm a little disappointed with this song, I feel like Amiran wasn't in his best shape when he recorded it and the song itself is a bit "flat". Click below and have your say.

- BBC produced a nice photocast about Yiddish music with some great antique pictures and interesting insights. See it here.


Anonymous said...

WOW nice article.enjoyed reading it.Even i have heard that album song, its too amazing song.
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Marshmallow Recipes said...

I enjoyed reading your posst

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